Any share changes must be submitted to by Monday at noon!!!

In your box this week:


Vendor Highlight:
Wisco Kitchen and Bushel and Peck


Locally-sourced food and home goods to round out your CSA box! Save trips to the grocery store and get what you need delivered inside your LUCSA share.

For returning LUCSA members, we’re doing Add-Ons a little differently these days… you will access the Shop through your very own member portal! Link below…

Add-On Order form must be submitted by noon on Monday!


Coming from right here within the Urban Canopy warehouse, pea shoot microgreens are grown by our indoor farm! Our indoor farm allows us to grow year round in a controlled environment, and pea shoots are our latest endeavor in microgreen cultivation.

Grown in 5” x 5” square trays, pea shoot microgreens are rich in vitamin C and vitamin B1. Delicious in smoothies or sandwiches and perfect as a garnish, use pea shoot microgreens to add a light fresh flavor to your meals during these cold winter months.


If you missed a week and want to see what was in a previous share, we archive a PDF of all our previous newsletters here.

You can also use it to look at previous seasons if you are interested to see what crops are coming!


Phoenix Bean started right here in Chicago with their first factory located in Edgewater having been supplying the Chicagoland area with high quality tofu for more than 30 years.

Phoenix Bean products are hand crafted in small batches by a team of expert tofu makers. After grinding and boiling the soybeans, they deftly curdle the soymilk to craft the delicious tofu.

In an attempt to improve their sustainability practices while retaining the authenticity and taste of their products, Phoenix Bean exclusively uses non-GMO soybeans naturally farmed in Illinois without chemicals and pesticides. This is one of the many ways Phoenix Bean is committed to crafting the freshest and tastiest tofu products for us to enjoy!

Recipes using Phoenix Bean Tofu

Share Contents

Refer back to this page for updated share contents and photos to help you identify produce!

  • Please keep in mind that share contents may vary due to market availability so contents may vary slightly from this list. Farming is never 100% predictable. We appreciate your flexibility!!!

  • Pro-tip: When your share arrives, immediately unpack your produce and move into proper storage containers!

  • ALWAYS wash produce before eating!

  • Remember to return your wax box, egg cartons, and pint containers during your next delivery…we re-use all of these items!

Kombucha - Warrior Kombucha (Chicago, IL)
Storage Tip - Store in the refrigerator.

Wednesday: Round Whole Wheat Boule FranHer Bakery (Pilsen, Chicago, IL)
Thursday: Challah Zeitlin’s Delicatessen (Chicago, IL)
Friday: Pullman Sourdough Publican Quality Bread (Chicago, IL) Storage Tip - Storage Tip - Keep your bread cut side down in a bag on your counter for two to three days. At that point you will want to slice or rip/cut your bread into pieces and freeze for future toast, croutons, or panzanella! If it’s particularly hot, you may want to move it to the refrigerator after a day or two (the only time we will tell you to refrigerate bread).

Wednesday: Lions Mane Windy City Mushroom (Chicago, IL)
Thursday: White Button River Valley Ranch (Burlington, WI)
Friday: White Button River Valley Ranch (Burlington, WI) Storage Tip - Open the paper bag to reduce moisture, and keep mushrooms out of plastic. Smoke, dehydrate, or par-cook and freeze for longer storage.

Eggs - Finn's Steak and Egg Ranch (Buchanan, MI)
Storage Tip - You can freeze your eggs to make them last longer. Crack and scramble in a container, or crack whole into oiled muffin tins, and keep frozen for up to 6 months.

Extra Firm Tofu - Phoenix Bean Tofu (Edgewater, Chicago)
Storage Tip - Shelf life unopened is two weeks and can be stored in your refrigerator. Once opened, water-packed tofu should be stored fully submerged in fresh water refreshed every couple of days in your refrigerator. Tofu can be stored in your freezer to significantly extend their shelf life. Thaw frozen products in lukewarm water prior to use. We recommend that any opened Phoenix Bean products not frozen or refreshed in water be consumed within five days.

Microgreens or Lettuce - Enhanced Earth (Bolingbrook, IL) / Closed Loop Farms (Back of the Yards, Chicago, IL)
Storage Tip - Your greens will come in a green compostable bag, remove your greens from the bag and store them in a plastic container or bag with a paper towel covering them for up to a week in the fridge.

Yellow Onions - Second Spring Farm (Cedar, MI)
Storage Tip - Keep cool, dry and out of direct light, on your counter, in a cupboard or in a perforated paper bag, for up to 6 months.

Apples - Mick Klug Farm (St. Joseph, MI)
Storage Tip - Keep at a consistent temperature on the counter for up to a week, or in the crisper for up to a month.

Cabbage - Nichols Farm and Orchard (Marengo, IL)
Storage Tip - Keep in a plastic bag in the crisper for two weeks.

Purple Radish - Nichols Farm and Orchard (Marengo, IL)
Storage Tip - Keep very dry stored in a perforated bag in the refrigerator for up to a month.


butternut squash, sweet potatoes, white rice, carrots, red onions, rolled oats

Items for those already opting out of beverage, bread, mushrooms, or eggs OR having a conflicting allergy; subject to change, even if specified. Please refer back to this newsletter throughout the week for updates!!!

Carrots - Family Farm Fresh (Rockville, IN)
Storage Tip - Remove greens to preserve the root longer. Greens can be used within a week and the carrot itself can be stored in the crisper or in a plastic bag for a few weeks.

Beets - Down at the Farms (Fairbury, IL)
Storage Tip - Keep dry and tightly sealed in a bag in the crisper for up to a month.

Sweet Potatoes - Nichols Farm and Orchard (Marengo, IL)
Storage Tip - Sweet potatoes should never be cold til cooked! Keep them dry at a stable temperature out of direct light, on your counter or in a cupboard, for up to 6 months.

Watermelon Radish - Family Farm Fresh (Rockville, IN)
Storage Tip - Keep very dry stored in a perforated bag in the refrigerator for up to a month.

White Rice - Cahokia (McClure, IL)
Storage Tip - Store in a cool dry place out of direct sun.

Black Beans - Carlson-Arborgast Farm  (Howard City, MI)
Storage Tip - Store beans in a reusable container or plastic bag in a cool, dry place.

For more recipe ideas, follow us on Instagram! Our recipe reels provide additional information on how to use produce and processing items each week!

We have created a handy Produce Guide which includes most items you will be getting in your box this season and through out the year. It is helpful for identification and has lots of storage tips, and also includes a log of recipes. It’s not a bad idea to bookmark this page!